Barbarian Noetics Podcast: Go Fungal not viral™
The podcast dedicated to the Activation of the Human Spirit and to resisting the status quo. Barbarian Noetics tracks the stories, struggles and triumphs that connect us all across the rabbit holes of time and space. Join host Little Raven as we deconstruct divisive mainstream narratives, transcend dualistic thinking and come together in a good way as conscious animals on a shared planet. Deprogram from the matrix and reinvigorate your psyche with Barbarian Noetics, where everyone is invited and diversity of thought is cherished. Authentic conversations with real people about crafting a better and more egalitarian world. Go Fungal not viral™ ~~~
Contact: barbarian.noetics@proton.me and on IG @ barbarian_noetics.
If you like the podcast, check out my livestreams on Rokfin: https://rokfin.com/BarbarianYakFest
Go Fungal not viral™ is a trademark of the Barbarian Noetics Podcast.
Barbarian Noetics Podcast: Go Fungal not viral™
Life Finds A Way | Energy Audio
love doves and luck lions,
I crafted an affirmation as a countervailing force to the trepidations many of us feel during this time. It begins as follows:
i am a sovereign free citizen of planet earth. i worship the ball of glowing light in the heavens, from which all life is ultimately derived. i am not owned by any single group of oligarchs rolling around in the mucky swamps of a far away city-state on the atlantic coast. i am a free and sovereign citizen of planet earth. i pray to the Earth Mother, the giver of all life. I am not afraid of death. I do not shy away from pain. I understand that pain is merely one of nature's maestras (teachers) and I do not shy away from my Goddess given right to free education. i pay homage to the spinning toroidal discs of light that run up and down my spine...
un amor,
lr kerkawww
Excerpt from An Indigenous People's History of the United States by Roxanne Dunbar-Ortiz
Dr. Martin Luther King - I Have a Dream (August 28, 1963)
Excerpt from Alien Clay by Adrian Tchaikovsky
Baby Murcielaga - 1 9 9 4 N O S T A L G I A (Late Night Vaporwave Mix)
Girls Love Soul - Ep 033 feat Butta B (Soundcloud)
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If you dig the pod, check out the adjacent video & livestream show Barbarian Yak Fest on Rokfin: https://rokfin.com/BarbarianYakFest
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